i have given the midi sequencing module some thought and have come up with this: a simplified version of the elektron sequencers: 2 rows of 8 steps. When holding a square and pushing one or more keys from the mela keyboard or an external one note and velocity data get written to the step. Double tapping resets the step.
There could be a dial for selecting the amount steps: 3,4,6,8,12,16,24 and 32. 3,4,6 and steps will work as expected and disable steps to make the sequence shorter. 12,16,24,32,48,64 will previously greyed out dots beneath the sequencer light up to show that the extra amount of steps has been added. Pressing the dots will make the sequencer show the sequencer page. Dot 2 for steps 9 to 16. Dot 3 for 17 to 24. Dot 4 for 25 to 32 and dot 1 for going back to step 1 to 8.
There could also be a dial for speed. Maybe for centre will be 1 (normal speed) going left or right will change the speed by .5 divided or multiplied respectively. All the way to /4 or x4.
The could also be a swing button where central is neutral (50) and the offset get subtracted or added up.
Lastly there should be a dial for the note gate.
There should also be a submenu for selecting a target. Here each step can be manually selected and given a target to modulate and the amount to modulate with, like other modules like the lfo. When a step and a target are sepected they should always send a message when the step is played even when no note has been inserted into the step. This way the module can always be used for parameter switching. It would be nice to have some kind of automatic smoothing between different values on different steps to make the transition sound less jumpy.
I think a module like this could have some value as it can be used for primitive parsmeter locking and sequencing.
I hope i made my idea clear and that it maybe gives you some inspiration to think more about a new sequencing module. If you have any question: let me know!