Samu had a great suggestion:
> One thing I've been playing around with in Drambo lately is processing modulation signals like they would be audio and using them to modulate parameters. (various pulse thru a filtered delay/echo as one example).
> As for Mela a module that converts modulation signal to audio and back could be something to add at some point?
Some thoughts:
  • I imagine it will be similar to the Audio-to-Mod modulator module, except it will have a sublane and a modulatable dial.
  • The sublane will not receive any input and won't merge its output.
  • It will have a dial/slider that the user will modulate.
  • The modulation signal then will be sent to the sublane as input.
  • The user will have audio processors in the sublane to transform the modulation signal.
  • The processed audio will be converted back to the modulation signal.
  • There probably will be a Depth parameter.
  • Visualiser of the resulting modulation signal will also be useful.