Graduated from Mela Lab in the 5.8.2 release.
Some of you may also find the new modes in Random useful
in progress
Available for testing in Mela 5.7 Beta 305
Merged in a post:
Mela Lab Module: Note Chance
- The module allows MIDI notes to pass through based on a specified probability.
- The Chance parameter sets the probability.
- At 0% Chance, all notes are blocked; at 100%, all notes pass through.
- The log view displays the last 7 processed notes, indicating whether each was blocked or passed.
- Ideal for generative MIDI chains and adding controlled randomness.
- For example, you can modulate Chance using MIDI Source with its input set to Velocity, allowing notes with higher velocities to have a higher chance of passing through.
- Note Chance is a Mela Lab module and part of Collection 3.
Some of you might be also interested in this module:
Jon Diercks
This can be accomplished using the Random module, setting a Target to the "On" parameter of relevant oscillators or level modules, etc., then adjusting the Random parameters to get >0 output at the desired probability.
lazyabeats can you elaborate a bit on what it would do, possible features and any product that's out there that does what you want?
Nikolozi: Ah, pardon! Forgot about the text.
I mean basic probability module to defuse dense note streams like cannon guns or add unpredictability to sequences. It has a single parameter which represents the probability that this event will play. So with a 100% all notes will pass, on 90% some of them will be skipped, on 50% it will pass only half of notes and etc.
Hope it helps
lazyabeats: I thought that's what you meant but wanted to make sure. And yes, I think it would be a useful module.
Nikolozi: Great to hear that, you're doing great with current updates and maintaining raodmap.