Collection 4
- Mela's modular capabilities are expanded by introducing Collection 4 with powerful new modules for advanced sound design.
- The centrepiece is the Sublane module, enabling nested processing for flexible signal routing.
- Also included are the MIDI Delay and Note Pulse modules, adding temporal and rhythmic control to your MIDI.
- Modules like Delay and Feedback let you create custom multi-tap delays, comb filters, and physical modelling effects.
- To streamline your workflow, the Vel-to-Amp module maps MIDI velocity to amplitude, while the Note-to-Pitch module converts MIDI notes into a pitch signal.
- Every Mela 6.x update will add new modules to the collection. You only need to purchase it once.
Mela Classic vs Mela
- With this update, the major version number has been dropped from the name—so instead of Mela 6, the app is now simply called Mela.
- This change helps avoid confusion, as some users mistakenly thought Mela 6 was a separate app rather than an update to Mela 5.
- To clarify: Mela 4, 5, and 6 were all the same App Store app, just with different version numbers in the name over time.
- Meanwhile, Mela 3, which is a separate App Store app, will be renamed to Mela Classic.
- Hopefully, this new naming system makes things clearer.
Sublane Module
- Sublane is a module that contains a lane of modules, aka sublane.
- Modules with sublanes can be nested inside each other.
- Input Parameter: When enabled the module input signals will be passed to the sublane.
- Output Parameter: When enabled the sublane output signals will be passed to the module output, otherwise, the module output will be the same as the input.
- Sublane is a Mela Lab module and part of Collection 4.
Delay Module
- The module delays audio signals by a specified amount. Compatible with Poly signals.
- Time Mode: Set the delay time in seconds.
- Synced Modes: Set the delay time using tempo-synced values.
- Pitch Mode: Set the delay time based on the input pitch signal frequency. Ideal for creating comb filters or physical modelling effects.
- Offset Parameter: Adjusts the delay time by 50-200%. Available in Pitch and tempo-synced modes.
- Delay is part of Collection 4.
Feedback Module
- In Mela, signals flow left-to-right within a lane and top-to-bottom between lanes.
- However, you may want to send an Audio signal in the opposite direction to create feedback.
- The Feedback module allows you to do just that by taking the output of an Audio bus, delaying it by 1 sample, and merging it with the Audio signal passing through the lane.
- WARNING: Protect your ears and equipment by handling feedback with care. Ensure feedback does not build up continuously.
- Feedback is a Mela Lab module and part of Collection 4.
MIDI Delay Module
- The module delays the MIDI signal by a specified amount.
- Time Mode: Set the delay time in seconds.
- Synced Modes: Set the delay time using tempo-synced values.
- Offset Parameter: Adjusts the delay time by 50-200%. Available in tempo-synced modes.
- MIDI Delay is part of Collection 4.
Note Pulse Module
- The module generates note-on and note-off events at regular intervals, synchronised with the host transport.
- Events are generated only when the transport is running.
- The parameters Sync, Gate and Offset let you set the timing of the pulses.
- Additional parameters allow you to set the generated note event's channel, note, and velocity values.
- Note Pulse is part of Collection 4.
Note-to-Pitch Module
- The module converts MIDI notes into Pitch signals.
- If an instance of MIDI-to-Poly is inserted, this module is not required unless you wish to change the tuning from the A440 pitch standard.
- Tuning Parameter: Sets the tuning of the note A above middle C.
- Note-to-Pitch is part of Collection 4.
Vel-to-Amp Module
- The module uses MIDI note velocity to control the audio level, making notes velocity-sensitive.
- Supports both Audio and Poly signal types.
- Curve Parameter: Adjusts the velocity-to-amplitude mapping. Higher values increase loudness, while lower values provide more dynamic range.
- Smooth Parameter: Sets the time constant for smoothing level changes between notes.
- Vel-to-Amp is part of Collection 4.
- Updating the Getting Started guide.
- The Getting Started view no longer uses a web view and instead natively renders text.
- This allows it to follow Mela's theme when deciding whether to display in light or dark mode.
- The view is now presented as a popover instead of a sheet.
- Fixed module help view's dismiss button tappable area being too small.
Signal Flow
- MIDI-to-Poly: The Voices parameter now uses numerical values for simplicity. To achieve mono synth behaviour, use the Mono module as before.
- MIDI-to-Poly: It's now possible to bypass the module.
- Signal Flow: Right-pointing chevrons now indicate signal flow direction between modules.
- Signal Flow: Double-chevron means the Poly signal type flows between modules.
- Signal Flow: Bypassing a module now can affect signal type. For example, Flanger collapses Poly signal to Audio. Bypassing it will no longer cause the collapse.
User Interface
- Drag-and-Drop: Moving a module from one lane to the end of another is now much easier. The plus button turns into a drop target making it clear where the module will be placed after the drop.
- Drag-and-Drop: It also works when moving a module into a Sublane module.
- Lanes: Empty lanes are now as tall as lanes with modules.
- Modules: Duplicating a module now also copies the UI state, such as whether it's expanded.
- Modules: A duplicated module name is now based on the source module's name. For example, if an oscillator is named "Saw", the duplicate will be named "Saw 2" rather than something like "VA Oscillator 3".
- Modules: Presets now save whether a module's Modulator or Targets view is active.
- Pop-up List: Changed the button background shapes from capsule to rounded rectangle to visually match better with other UI components.
- Perform View: No longer shrinks unnecessarily when the Preset Browser is open.
Factory Presets
- Multi-Tap Delay: Demonstrates how to use the new Delay and Feedback modules to create a custom multi-tap delay effect with feedback.
- Multi-Tap MIDI Delay: Demonstrates how to use the new MIDI Delay module to create a multi-tap MIDI delay effect.
- Default: The default synth preset was slightly tweaked.
- Init: The preset is now truly blank. It no longer loads a lane with Audio or MIDI I/O modules.