Factory Presets
- DC Ring Bass: Demonstrates how to turn the Ring Mod module into an oscillator by feeding it a DC signal.
- Audio-to-ADSR: Demonstrates how to convert audio signal levels into note events to drive an envelope generator.
- Event Symphony: Demonstrates how to use Random and Note Event module instances to create generative music.
- Other Presets: Church Bells, Consistent, Drum Bus, Stereo Wah Wah, Tuned Noise + FM, and Tuned Noise + FM 2.
- Collections: Updated the description for Collection 3.
- Reverb: Fixed a bug where the HSF Decay parameter wasn't initialised correctly in DSP.
- UI (macOS): Fixed a bug where the selected modulation target menu item displayed two checkmarks.
- UI (macOS): Fixed a bug where locked modules incorrectly displayed two shopping carts under the insert module menu.