



Note Chance Module
  • The module allows MIDI notes to pass through based on a specified probability.
  • The Chance parameter sets the probability.
  • At 0% Chance, all notes are blocked; at 100%, all notes pass through.
  • The log view displays the last 7 processed notes, indicating whether each was blocked or passed.
  • Ideal for generative MIDI chains and adding controlled randomness.
  • Example: Modulate Chance using MIDI Source with its input set to Velocity to allow notes with higher velocities to have a higher chance of passing through.
  • Note Chance is a Mela Lab module and part of Collection 3.
Random Module
  • The Random module is now more powerful with new modes and the Tilt parameter.
  • The Mode parameter sets the random signal generation algorithm: Random I, Random II, or Chance.
  • Random I: At 0% Tilt, the modulator signal randomly takes a value within the set range uniformly. Increasing Tilt toward +100% makes higher values more likely while decreasing Tilt toward -100% makes lower values more likely.
  • Random II: At 0% Tilt, the modulator signal randomly takes a value within the set range uniformly. Increasing Tilt toward +100% makes extreme values more likely while decreasing Tilt toward -100% makes values near the midpoint more likely.
  • Chance: At 0% Tilt, the modulator signal randomly takes the maximum or minimum value with equal likelihood. Increasing Tilt toward +100% makes the maximum value more likely while decreasing Tilt toward -100% makes the minimum value more likely.
Tuned White Noise
  • The Noise Oscillator module now includes a new Tuned noise type.
  • It follows the input pitch signal by downsampling white noise.
  • The sampling rate is 8 times the input pitch frequency, creating a pitch-tracking noise effect.
Preset Search
  • Mela now supports preset search for both user and factory presets.
  • The search field is located above preset groups in the Preset Browser.
  • Tap the search field to begin searching.
  • If the Preset Browser is closed, selecting Preset Search from the Preset Selector's action menu will open it and focus the search field.
  • In the standalone version, you can also use Command-F to do the same.
  • Degrader Module: Added a "Set to" menu item with the value 2093.00 Hz (3 octaves above middle C) to make it easier to create pitched noises using the Noise Oscillator module and MIDI Source's Key Track.
  • Modules: Improved the random number generator algorithms.
  • Module Help: Improved clarity of some parameter descriptions.
  • MIDI Logger: Made the log background more prominent.
  • Note Pad: Made the text background more prominent.
  • Parameter Values: The internal number formatter now overrides the system locale by disabling the grouping separator.
  • Parameter Values: When manually entering parameter values, both period and comma will be treated as decimal separators regardless of the system locale.
  • Preset Browser: If closed, the Create Group keyboard shortcut now opens the browser as expected.
  • MIDI Source: Fixed visual indicator drawing incorrectly for the Key Track input for MIDI values above 120.